Considering a face lift?

People may be unhappy with the appearance of their necks and jowls. Over time, delicate skin in these facial areas from the cheeks and below can sag, and wrinkles can develop. However, there is a treatment option available that you can consider, and that is a face lift. If you would like to see what a difference a face lift can make for an individual, you can take a look at several before and after pictures of people who have had this procedure performed.

The surgery is used to removed excess skin on the face and neck. Facial muscles may be tightened at this time as needed, fat pads can be resuspended and then the remaining facial skin is repositioned on the face and neck. Some patients can also benefit by having additional procedures performed during the face lift. This might include lifts to the brow and eyelids, fat transfer, as well as a skin treatment such as laser resurfacing. Your doctor can advise you as to which procedures will help you to achieve the look you want.

Many patients find that they can be back to routine activities within eight to ten days after having the surgery, so that swelling is reduced. There is typically also a bit of bruising that will occur as a result of the surgery, and this often takes about three weeks to resolve. The results of a face lift will usually last for at least ten years, making this an effective long-term treatment for wrinkles.

Posted in Home Improvement Post Date 04/24/2022






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